Monday 10 January 2011

I hope this works!!!

Hello, I am new to all this and just trying to find my way so bear with me, won't you? 

I have been thinking about doing a blog for a while now so, new year, new start and here we go!

I am still working on how it would look so if you happen to stumble upon this blog in the early stages of development, don't be surprised if nothing works and it looks completely different if you can bear to come back to it another day.  I will probably even change the name as I did have an idea and now whatever it was has completely deserted me.  Not to worry, I'll get it right in the end.... hopefully.

The reason I am writing a blog is so that I can share all my craft making thoughts and creations and probably a bit about day to day life as well.  Another thing I am not sure about - where to make the balance.  I suppose it depends on how much crafty stuff I actually make - I have just finished knitting a cardie which took me a week and I am still reeling from the shock since the cardie before that took 5 yrs!!  So you see it is all a bit erratic to say the least! 

I also have a little Internet shop which sells needlework materials so I that is an important part of my day and something I am sure to mention in passing if only to say that I have seen some lovely yarn or fabric to lust over and want to sell it in my shop!

The final reason for writing a blog is because they do say that everybody has a book in them, don't they?  Not that real writers would necessarily agree with that of course - it sort of makes their craft sound a lot easier than it is!  Truth to tell I don't actually think I have got a whole book in me - no imagination for plot and frankly, writing about what I know for 300+ pages might be a bit dull.  However, I quite like writing so this can be my outlet since it is one ambition I am sure I will never get to pursue any other  way!

But that is enough for now!  You will probably realise very soon that I could witter on for ages so I will draw this first post to a close and get back to fiddling with my settings.  Hope to see you again soon. x

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