Friday 17 August 2012

Planning time

I've  not done much crafting recently.  Mostly that is because it has been the school holidays and I just haven't had the opportunity.  I knitted a couple of square for the Mumsnet Woolly Hugs project but rather foolishly forgoet to take any photos so I can't even show those.  This week though, we have been away in N Wales.  My parents in law live here but don't have room to put us up so we rent a house.  This time it is a real get away being up the top of a hill, more or less alone except for a farm which is further down the drive and a whole lot of sheep plus a cow or 2.  The road up to this place, a public road too, is single track and is so little used that grass is growing up through the tarmac down the middle of the road.

This is the view from the front of the cottage.  Stunning isn't it? 

I haven't managed to go to any craft shops this time - it has been a very boy orientated holiday with a trip to Liverpool to watch some footie - Liverpool FC, the team of choice in our house, played Bayer Leverkusen in a friendly so  we took the opportunity to go and watch.  Not only that but my husband got to fulfil a childhood dream of standing in the famous Kop to watch  (The Kop being the stand for dyed in the wool, serious fan) and my boys were over joyed too because this sort of devotion to a team appears to be genetic (who knew)  and they are as devoted as their father! In between footie and dog walking and ice cream it has been a real boy week.  Thankfully the weather has been OK and I have been able to play with the settings on my camera properly for the first time since I got it a year ago. 

Anyway, I might have found a way of redressing the balance and I am hoping to go to the Festival Quilts this weekend.  The NEC is on our way home so I might bail out and take my opportunity to have a look at some lovely quilts, oogle beautiful fabrics and stroke gorgeous threads.  I have never been before but apparently you need a weekend to see everything.  I won't be able to manage that but a few hours of stitchy magic and a bit of retail therapy should be a good reward for my selfless commitment to all things boy.  Perhaps I should make them all come with me? ..........On second thoughts a few hours peace might be worth having to get the train ride home instead of riding home in the car. Hopefully I will be able to share some of my photos with you in a few days.

In the meantime, thanks for reading.

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